About Me

My name is Alex Berei and I'm a life coach. My aim is to make the world better through making you better. Having graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2023 I have embarked on my journey towards a doctorate degree. If you want to check that out just have a look on my about coaching page.

My Professional Experience

I have obtained a degree in Business Management from the University of Liverpool and am presently pursuing a postgraduate in Social Science programme at the same institute. Over the course of my professional journey, I have obtained valuable experience in marketing and product departments at Renault's headquarters in London. Furthermore, I have served as a research customer insights intern at Unilever's headquarters in Leeds, which has significantly enhanced my comprehension of the complexities of the business landscape.

My introduction into the realm of life coaching commenced in the summer of 2023 when I enrolled in Life Coaching courses offered on the Maxwell Leadership platform. I am nurturing the establishment of my own enterprise in this domain, engaging with clients through social networks and personal endorsements.

My goal is to empower your success!

I boost the pace of your development in order to support you in reaching your objectives, both personal and professional, enabling you to live a life closely aligned with your values.

Schedule a Coaching Session

My goal is to offer individuals that feel lost the epiphany needed to be the best version of themselves

When I was 15 years old, I have moved with my family from my hometown in Romania to the UK. In high school, I was a shy person, I was frustrated and I was bullied. While back in Romania, my friends thought I have it easy over here. From going out nearly everyday in Romania, I was by myself most of the time, it was a radical negative change for me.

One day my English teacher saw me below the water, and had a chat with me, she was a warm person. I instantly felt comfortable to open up to her, and I have told her my story, told her what I have been going through. She listened, she reassured me it's normal to go through challenges, especially with such a radical change in my life. She also told me this will not be forever.

Next month, a public speaking contest in Lancashire for high school students has been promoted, and my English teacher encouraged me to take part and to talk about my story. I had doubts at the start, I felt very uncomfortable about this. What's is the point to share my story? What good will this make? But her encouragement and her confidence in me somehow broke through my barriers and I participated. It was one of the best decisions I took in my life, even now I remember the appreciation I have received from my speech. I have touched many people in the room, and I motivated them to take action towards their life goals, to appreciate what they have until now and to realise nothing is forever, as long as you take the right action forward.

Prior to the public speaking contest, I felt listened and encouraged by my English teacher - that went a long way, it felt like I was a different person. From the shy person I was during class, scared to initiate conversations and not looking forward in wanting to socialise, my brain was rewired, everything changed, I felt that I can be my own self. Because I came from a different background that did not mean I didn't belong. I was open to new friendships again, no one cared about my background, it was all in my head, and I felt included.

That day was a wake up call for me, and it was all through the support, perhaps I would have figured this on my own, or maybe not, but I am 100% sure my English teacher played a massive part in boosting my confidence and getting me to become the best version of myself much faster. Since then, I have studied applied psychology, leadership and coaching practices closely to understand our motivations behind the decisions we make. There are so many patterns in your brain, so powerful, that with the right activation, you can achieve great things. All the knowledge that I have acquired…I want to give it back. I want to offer lost individuals the epiphany needed to be the best version of themselves!

About Coaching

All the decisions we make in life, sooner or later, are aimed at making us feel happy. Studies suggest that delaying immediate rewards or gratifications in favour of greater or better rewards in the future can have long-term benefits for our well-being. For example, when we abstain from a calorie-rich meal for a weigh loss goal, or when we do not procrastinate important work responsibilities.

That being said, when the clarity of your goals are not well-defined, it is very easy for the brain to not focus on crucial day-to-day decisions to achieve important objectives. What decisions do you make for instant gratification that block your long-term goals? Thus, your long-term maximized happiness is limited. For example, think about where you would be in life now if you hadn't said no to that specific opportunity, or if you had continued that college course, or started a healthy diet and a stricter exercise routine earlier. Personally, I regret not giving myself a chance to invest in myself and become a coach since 2019, and treating this opportunity with superficiality, blaming the lack of time. Now, I am much busier than I was back then, and I have learned to manage my time in such a way that I do everything necessary for my long-term development!


I ask powerful questions for a living

Coaching skills assist a structured conversation, which consists of a series of questions that can help you uncover your issues or discover your own objectives. You are the only person who truly knows yourself, only you can understand your motivations and personal values, hence 'you find the answer’.

During one-on-one coaching sessions, I am helping you to dive into what’s behind your challenges then realign with your goals authentically. Throughout the process, I observe and hear clients making breakthroughs. Being a part of their journey excites me. Seeing a client blossom right before my eyes is something I am striving to make my life’s work!

With that being said, the session is oriented around the client's personal objectives. By breaking down issues into their individual pieces and encouraging you to consider things from several perspectives, coaching techniques can assist you in finding direction and clarity. The coaching environment provides a safe space in which you, the client, can talk freely about your own challenges and situation, no matter what they might be. Through this process, you can attain revelations and find solutions to your own situation to maximise your potential.

How I am different than everyone else online?

I don't offer clichés, such as “waking up early, reading every day, or journaling”.

While these routines can be good, what's really important is doing what you actually want to do in life. These routines are just tools to help you feel good. If listening to music in the morning gets you going, that works too. Our brain responds to signals. Enjoying ice cream makes your brain think, "this feels good." You can get that same good feeling from other activities you enjoy like dancing, lifting weights, talking to friends, or reading. Just be careful with watching videos—they can be designed to make you binge and feel lazy on purpose.

I'm here to help you set your goals, no matter what area of life, and figure out how to achieve them.

Life is complex and unique to each person, which makes it tricky to navigate. Considering all the free resources online in regards to positive thinking and motivation books and speakers, how come the anxiety and depression rates are on the rise? If life’s challenges were easy to navigate given the resources at a touch of a button, everyone would have been fulfilled with their own self.

This is because not every concept applies to your own life; you are the only person that knows yourself the most, coaching offers the opportunity to ask the right questions, whilst you have the answers to unlock your own performance. You can do this alone, but having someone to support you can speed up the process. You can be your own coach, but having someone dedicated to your goals creates the right environment for you to thrive!


What I Offer

Individual Coaching

The coaching relationship will consist of 1-on-1 coaching sessions, each lasting 1 hour – 1 hour and 30 minutes as per your requirements. In between sessions, you can reach out to me via email, phone, or reach out on social media to share successes, updates, or quick strategies and ideas. Below is a list of questions that can make you decide if you require a coaching process:

  • Are you considering making changes in your life but are unsure where to begin, or are you in a transitional point of your life?
  • Would you like to make your mission and where to put your energy more clear?
  • Do you have any significant personal objectives that you've been putting off?
  • Would you like to change your occupation?
  • Do you want to advance to the next phase of your career, but something is preventing you from doing so?
  • Do you wish to maintain a healthy work-life balance?
  • Do you want to succeed in life, but some beliefs are preventing you from doing so?
  • Do you wish to find the drive within yourself to continue working towards your objectives consistently?
  • Do you require a partner for accountability to help, motivate, and guarantee that you make commitments to and fulfil your goals?

During coaching sessions, you can get the answers to any of your queries concerning your own circumstances. During these meetings, you will receive answers to your queries as well as a plan of action to implement these solutions.

Master Effective Communication and Public Speaking

Throughout my leadership courses during my undergraduate and postgraduate degree, as well as through public speaking experiences, such as presenting in front of an audience my own story, as well as communicating to young students the implications of pursuing higher education, as well as performing stand-up comedy, I have gained valuable knowledge towards what can help you master the effective communication skill!

This process could be for you if:

  • There are moments when you find yourself concentrating more on what you want to say than the other person.
  • You're hesitant to strike up a discussion with someone.
  • In some circumstances, you find it difficult to voice your opinions.
  • There are moments when you feel your message is not heard or taken seriously.
  • In certain circumstances, you find it difficult to sway people and get your point across.

How will this process help you:

  • Using the DiSC’s personality profiles at your advantage to get your point heard effectively.
  • How to build rapport with individuals
  • How to use rapport building to motivate people and expand your influence.
  • How to use shared interests to strike up a discussion and build relationships.


Feel free to contact me by email: alexjoltberei@yahoo.com social media or by phone: +447429 238949

The coaching relationship will consist of 1-on-1 coaching sessions, each lasting 1 hr. – 1 hr. and 30 minutes as per your requirements. In between sessions, you can reach out to me via email, phone, or reach out on social media to share successes, updates, or quick strategies and ideas.

1-1 Private Coaching Starter Session

  • A deep dive for new clients (individuals) which includes a 2 hr. introductory session to get everything on the table. I will answer all your questions, and you will understand if this course truly meets your needs.
  • We start to identify priorities and pain points.
  • This is followed up with a check-in a week later to check on progress and agree how we work together.
  • Clients see excellent results from these sessions.

Two to twelve weeks of Intensive Support

  • Intensive support packages include daily check-ins alongside a weekly coaching session of one hour.
Book your free introductory session!



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Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6


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i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
